Original Online Art Gallery ShopHiroko

Hiroko transmits emotions through her brush to the viewers mind & heart. You can feel that her figurative art evolves many thoughts & ideas carrying you on a magical carpet to a world of dreams & fantasies. Hiroko; you are a genuine, sensitive & beautiful rose in bouquets of art!
- Art Beat
Ignoring Hiroko's art is impossible. Viewing her images is a forbidden trip into her surrealistic subconscious. To the eye of Hiroko, nothing is quite so simple, and nothing is quite profane; in her exploration of human nature, anything and everything can be imagined, from insatiable lust to infinite beauty.
- Eric Seligson
Hiroko's work speaks so strongly about mystery -almost surrealistically, about struggle, love, passion, and spirituality... She just keep getting better and better. I would love to see all her work in a large exhibition someday...lets hope for this to happen.
- Michelle Bussy

- Visit Hiroko Sakai Fine Art Official Website -